Quality and environment

In the commitment to constant improvement, since 2004 COCANTRA has implemented and certified a Quality and Environmental Management System (ISO 9001 and ISO 14001), in order to have a tool that allows us not only to manage the quality of our services and the greatest respect for the environment, but also to measure the possible needs for improvement in both services in itself, as in infrastructures, systems and work methods.

Our Quality and Environment Management System has been growing adapting to the changes that have taken place in the market and in the environmental legislation, in terms of the expansion in the type of goods to transport and destinations, and work positions and methods, within the required environmental parameters.

Being the company suitable to the Organic Law 15/1999 of Protection of Personal Data (LOPD)


COCANTRA is a company dedicated to the national and international transport of goods by road, with extensive experience in this sector, backed by its business history of more than 30 years.

The Management, on behalf of the Governing Council, in order that all the activities and processes of the company are oriented towards the improvement of the organization and the prevention of pollution establishes the following Policy:

  • COCANTRA exists because its clients exist, consequently Quality consists of satisfying the needs agreed with the Clients, with the best service. For this, the point of view of the Clients must be known.
  • The competitiveness of COCANTRA is absolutely necessary, and for this the System implemented according to the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, must be aimed at protecting the environment, meeting the needs and expectations of customers, employees, partners and the other interested peers, and the global optimization of the company's resources, complying with all the requirements demanded by the client, those legal and regulatory applicable to our company, as well as those other requirements to which the organization is subjected.
  • COCANTRA is committed to the path of Continuous Improvement and for this it must integrate the Planning, Execution, Verification and Analysis cycle in its System to do things right the first time.
  • Achieve a high rate of renewal of the vehicle fleet and the high professional qualification of our partners, fixed autonomous transporters who own their vehicles, in order to satisfy the needs and demands of our customers.
  • Evaluate and know all the environmental aspects derived from our activity and the services we develop, in order to reduce and prevent, to the extent of our possibilities, significant environmental aspects.
  • Sustainable use of natural resources, promoting the efficient use of energy in all our activities, reducing the use of raw materials, as far as possible, and promoting reuse and recycling practices.
  • Manage and treat our waste in the most respectful way with the environment, trying to minimize its generation in our operations.
  • Establish quantifiable objectives and goals derived from this Policy annually.

The task of improvement is primarily the responsibility of the Management, on behalf of the Governing Council, and therefore undertakes to:

  • Provide the necessary human and technical resources, also providing adequate training to personnel who carry out their work with the required levels of quality and respect for the environment and establish the necessary communication channels to give knowing our employees the environmental aspects derived from our activities and promoting their awareness among them so that they can contribute efficiently to the improvement of the company's environmental behavior.
  • Comply with this Policy by periodically reviewing it to check its suitability.
  • Ensure its implementation, compliance and effectiveness by supervising the fulfillment of the objectives and goals derived from it.
  • Communicate the Policy, ensuring that it is implemented throughout the organization and is accessible by the organization's interested parties.